Résumé & LinkedIn Profile

Decrease Your Job-Search Time

Make An Impression with professionally written documents

The Interview Package includes unlimited phone calls and email support with Victoria LoCascio, company president and job search expert, to ensure your questions are answered and your documents are the highest quality.

Victoria is the sole person who will create your confidential documents.
Ace Your Interview does not subcontract work.


The Interview Package (4 items total)

(1) Résumé

Your résumé must be free of errors, precisely formatted, and persuasively worded to convey your value and to gain the attention of a hiring person.

  • As a Certified Professional Résumé Writer and an expert in hiring practices, Victoria will write your résumé to showcase your skills, abilities, results, and achievements, and to convey value to potential employers.
  • As a Certified Professional Search Engine Optimization Expert, Victoria will ensure your technology-friendly résumé has applicable keywords woven throughout it and is search engine optimized (SEO) to increase the likelihood of successfully passing through applicant tracking systems (ATS).
  • As a Certified Negotiation Expert, Victoria will craft a professional résumé that will enable you to negotiate the highest possible salary for your position.
1 Victoria LoCascio Certified
Victoria LoCascio Certified
Victoria LoCascio Certified

(2) LinkedIn Profile

When a potential employer is interested in you, LinkedIn is probably the first website they will visit to research you. It is essential that your profile conveys professionalism, matches the tone of your résumé, and leaves the reader with a strong first impression. Every section of your LinkedIn profile will be updated with the information from your new résumé. This includes revising your headline (the line underneath your name) to ensure you have search engine optimized keywords related to your background and industry (keywords may lead to your profile having increased visibility in LinkedIn searches and more views by hiring people). Victoria will also add a background photo to your profile if you don’t have one (the gray box behind your profile picture).


(3) Matching Header Page

Victoria provides you with a Word document that has the same heading as your résumé on it. This includes your name, address, email, phone number, and LinkedIn profile URL. You may use this document for your cover letter and also for your reference list. Using the same header on all your documents creates a uniform and professional look. This document does not include the cover letter text.


(4) Application Advice Document

Frustration may occur for job applicants when they apply to positions and receive no response or only an automatic email from the company, and they don’t know if anyone has viewed their resume. Victoria provides clients with a document containing advice for applying to jobs, and her top strategy for getting noticed by the hiring manager (or someone in leadership) at the company during the application process. Following this strategy will improve your chances that your résumé is read by someone at the company, which is a needed first step to being asked to interview for a position.



  1. Add to cart The Interview Package and any other items, and purchase. If you have questions, email or schedule a call with Victoria before purchasing.
  2. Within 24 hours of purchase, Victoria emails you to request that you email her some items (previous résumés if you have any, job descriptions that look ideal to you). More information on the requested items is in her email to you. In this email is a link to her client calendar to schedule an optional phone call with her to discuss your experience and/or job goals.
  3. Within 4 days of emailing Victoria the requested items, a list of questions is emailed to you for you to answer. These are customized questions for each of the job positions on your résumé to ensure that Victoria has the necessary information to write about your responsibilities and achievements, as well as other questions to ensure that your résumé is comprehensive.
  4. Within 3 days of emailing Victoria your answers to these questions, your new résumé is emailed to you.
  5. After you review your résumé, Victoria makes any requested changes within 1 day, and the final versions of your documents are emailed to you in both Microsoft Word and pdf formats.
  6. Your LinkedIn profile is updated with the information from your new résumé.
  7. For clients also purchasing a cover letter, that process begins when your résumé is finalized.



The Interview Package


  • Résumé
  • LinkedIn Profile
  • Matching Header Page
  • Application Advice Document


Less than 3 years
of work experience




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The Interview Package


  • Résumé
  • LinkedIn Profile
  • Matching Header Page
  • Application Advice Document


3 years to 11 years
of work experience




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The Interview Package


  • Résumé
  • LinkedIn Profile
  • Matching Header Page
  • Application Advice Document


12 years to 22 years
of work experience




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The Interview Package


  • Résumé
  • LinkedIn Profile
  • Matching Header Page
  • Application Advice Document


More than 22 years
of work experience




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Additional Items

Cover Letter

Distinguish yourself from the competition with a compelling cover letter.

Interview Coaching

Discover how to ace every step of the interview process during an interview-coaching session.

Customized Interview Questions

Strengthen your preparation by using customized interview questions created for your specific job interview.

Emails To Interviewers

Impress your interviewer with a well-written and persuasive follow-up email after your interview.